Postup provided aid for people in need in Eastern Ukraine.

“Vostok SOS” provides Aid to People in Eastern Ukraine

Our Ukrainian partner organisation “Vostok SOS” (Postup Human Rights Center) provided some aid in the town of “Red October”. Please read a short report below.

On the Facebook-Page of “Vostok SOS” you can find regularly updated photos and reports about humanitarian aid provided by Vostok SOS to people in need in Eastern Ukraine. This aid is possible thanks to your donations.

On this map you can find all places in Eastern Ukraine where “Vostok SOS” provided help so far:

Here is a translation of a report by “Vostok SOS”:

The humanitarian Organisation „Luhansk SOS“ was able to distribute food and childcare kits to families who fled to the town of “Red October” in the Staniza-District of Luhansk from the city of Luhansk and other towns nearby threatened by the combats in East Ukraine.

This was possible with the help of the Estonian organization “MTÜ Mondo” and Veronika Svištš. A Ukrainian artist named Jarina Ilo, living in Estonia, also contributed a lot of work and money to help the people of east Ukraine.

The Swiss-German organisation “Libereco-Partnership for Human Rights” helped with the campaign “Music4Ukraine” to collect money for the purchase of baby food and diapers, which are urgently needed and practically not available in areas close to the front line.

Please help us to continue our humanitarian aid:

Donations Account Germany:
Account Holder: Libereco
Reference: Donation Ukraine
Bank: Ethikbank
IBAN: DE96 8309 4495 0003 320332

Donations Account Switzerland:
Account Holder: Libereco
Reference: Donation Ukraine
Post Account: 85-792427-8
Bank: Zürcher Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH61 0900 0000 8579 24278

Donate Online via Paypal:

Just click the PayPal-button on our website or send a payment via your PayPal account to Make sure to include the reference “Spende Ukraine”.