Author Dr Imke Hansen with the comic manual
In our support of civil society activists from Belarus and Ukraine, we often encounter people who have experienced terrible things – repression and imprisonment, war, flight, loss, and separation from family and friends. Many still have to deal with the aftermath of experiences of violence. How can such people best be supported?
We have developed a comic manual that supports people involved in civil society in learning how to help without harming themselves or others, increasing stress resilience, and transforming conflicts into solutions.
The 120-page book has been in use since 2021. Based on that experience it has recently been extensively revised. In addition, we added two new languages, so it is now available in German, English, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian. The print version can be obtained in our online shop at cost price.
Dealing with stress, trauma, and conflicts
Written by Dr. Imke Hansen, who heads Libereco’s psychosocial support program in times of war and crisis, and illustrated by the Ukrainian illustrator Sophia Runova, the comic offers an overview of human perceptions and reactions in interpersonal relationships and explains how we can react better, faster and healthier respond to challenges and conflicts.
“I can!” introduces readers to the biological processes that occur during stressful situations in an easy-to-understand way and explains how these can be brought to a good end and processed. The book also explains why intact personal boundaries and the ability to say no are just as important as non-judgmental listening and empathy.
Introductory material for those active in refugee support
With short texts, catchy illustrations, and simple exercises, the book offers a low-threshold opportunity for further education and development, especially for refugees and people who support them.
We created the book’s first version of the book in 2020, during a series of training sessions with civil society activists, police officers, teachers, and students in the eastern Ukrainian frontline area. Together with the participants, we developed ideas for visualizations and content that became the foundation of the comic.
The editing and translation were supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Civil Society Cooperation, the Postcode Lottery, and Terre des Hommes Germany.