The political persecution of activists who took part in the protests against the rigged elections in Belarus has taken on frightening proportions. An increasing number of women are forced to leave their homes and flee into the unknown. Libereco is collecting donations for the Femgrupa initiative in Kiev. It supports women who have had to flee Belarus into exile.

With the support of Femgrupa, Maria and her child could settle down in the Ukrainian exile.

Thousands of people from Belarus had to flee the country in 2020 and 2021 to escape imminent arrest. Among them are many women with children who fled to neighbouring Ukraine. These women find support in the “Belarusian Hub” in Kiev, from the activists of the feminist initiative Femgrupa. The initiative was founded in September 2020. The Femgrupa activists support the women and families with clothing and food, pay for accommodation, help with relocation and offer moral and financial support in difficult situations.

Femgrupa has already helped over 500 women flee Belarus and arrive in exile. The aim is to support the woman in question and her children in the first few weeks after their arrival until she finds work and childcare.

Femgrupa relies on donations to finance its activities. For 50 euros, food and hygiene articles can be bought. With 100 euros, part of the rent, clothes and shoes can be paid. All donations are passed on 100 percent to Femgrupa.

Donations for Femgrupa

Donations account Germany:
Account Holder: Libereco
Bank: Ethikbank
IBAN: DE96 8309 4495 0003 3203 32
Purpose: Femgrupa

Donations account Switzerland:
Account Holder: Libereco
Post Account: 85-792427-8
Bank: Zürcher Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH81 0070 0114 8059 2400 2
Purpose: Femgrupa

Donate via Credit Card or SEPA Direct Debit

Maria is now herself supporting newly arriving women from Belarus.