What the voices of young people have in common is that they are often given little attention in discussions about solutions to armed conflicts and to their experiences of flight and violence – and when they are, the public tends to talk about rather than with them.
Our graphic novel (expected release date: December 2023) changes that: 14 young people from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine share their personal experiences of war and displacement. On the evening, four of them will present their stories on stage, followed by an audience discussion.
The presentation of parts of the graphic novel marks the finale of a joint project by Libereco, the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Lower Saxony and East SOS. The project was funded by EVZ Foundation (Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft), the Berlin State Office for Political Education (Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung), the Sanddorf Foundation (Sanddorf-Stiftung), and the Foundation West-Eastern Encounters (Stiftung West-Östliche Begegnungen).
There is no admission fee, the event will be held in English. Please use this form to register for the event.