We have collected some ideas on how to support Libereco and Vostok SOS humanitarian aid in Ukraine through creative fundraising.
Facebook fundraiser
On Facebook, you can easily set up a fundraising campaign in favor of Libereco as a private person, e.g. on the occasion of your own birthday. How this works exactly is explained here: https://de-de.facebook.com/fundraisers/
Set up donation boxes
In bakeries and cafés, in the bookshop, at the hairdresser’s or in the clothes store: there are many possibilities to set up a donation box.
Spreading donation flyers
We have created a flyer to copy yourself, which you can download here. The flyers can be distributed and displayed wherever it is allowed. The donation flyers are also a good addition to set up donation boxes.
Donation run
Sports enthusiasts can support Libereco and Vostok SOS by collecting donations from relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances for every kilometer or lap run. Schools and universities can also organize their own Ukraine charity runs.
Flea market
A booth at a flea market or your own book flea market can be organized quickly and the proceeds can be donated to Libereco. Donation flyers can also be displayed there.
Blood donations
The Red Cross delivers blood reserves to Ukraine. Therefore, it is important to donate blood regularly, especially now. In many places you will receive an allowance for donating blood – and you can donate it to Libereco to help twice.
Mobilize your own people
Whether as a status message on Whatsapp, through a post on Facebook or Instagram, publication in newsletters, organizing a collection, a request to your employer or by sending an email to your circle of friends: there are many ways in which you can call for donations to Libereco even with your own words in your surroundings.